Monday 4 December 2017

Cybersmart Interland

For the rest of the term Room 22 will be reveiwing our learining of cyber smart. We were told about this site from Gerhard. Thank you Gehard!

There are 4 games. I chose to do Kind Kingdom. It is a cool game and it teachs you about not bullying and being safe online. I learned to not bully other people and give people positive comments and make them happy.

The game is Called Interland. You should try it 

Friday 1 December 2017

A close encounter

This morning we had an encounter. A Silkie hen and an Australorp  chick came in our class and Mrs Johns learning group showed us how a chick comes out and turns into a hen.

Mrs Johns group have been learning about chicks and Life cycle.It starts of by  an egg and then becomes a chick,and then it becomes a hen.It takes 21 days for a chick to hatch. When 21 days are done then a chick will be borne and will turn into a chick and then have eggs again.